January 2021 lockdown

I would like to reassure my patients that I will continue to be open during this lockdown. 

I’m classified as a ‘Healthcare Professional’ and it means that I have an essential role in reducing the burden on the NHS. 

I also acknowledge how difficult and demanding a lockdown can be on your physical and mental wellbeing and I will be doing my bit to help the community keep active and well.  

However, as always I need to ensure that the clinic is not a vector for this virus. Please take extra care to comply with the government guidelines and stay at home if you have any of the coronavirus symptoms or if you have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive.

Hopefully with a "fair wind behind us" the lockdown will soon be over, the virus will be vanquished and our lives can resume their natural pace!

Stay well!

© Lesley Reed 2021 email:lesley@reedacupuncture.co.uk